Thursday, January 1, 2009

Courtesy: The lost virtue...

[Note: Do to popular demand I will post my previous rant. I was pretty annoyed when I originally wrote this. I am no longer so annoyed, so please don't take this too personally.]

As we embark on another great new year I find myself doing a lot of thinking. I think about life, the shidduch crisis, the economy, bowel movements, karate, Torah, Peru Revu, Zimilover, chiseled abs, and probably many other things that I shouldn't write on this blog. One thing in particular that I've been pondering about is the attribute of being courteous. I find that living in NY tends to cause people to forget about this very important character trait. It is for this reason that I believe that it is important to breakdown what it means to be a courteous gentleman and to contrast it by what it means to be an inconsiderate buchur.Courteous Gentleman: Having a few chums over to watch TV (at a moderate volume) while munching on chips and salsa with a soft drink.Inconsiderate Buchur: Inviting the entire girls soccer team over to smooch, shtup, grind and get jiggy with until after 3am, while getting totally wasted and smoking hooka to ensure that the apartment smells like an anus the following morning.Courteous Gentleman: Playing some tunes at a moderate volume until apartment mates go to sleep and then switching to head phone in order not to disturb them.Inconsiderate Buchur: Playing loud (and bad) thumping music at full volume until 3am when certain apartment mates need to wake up for minyan, class, or study sessions the next day.Courteous Gentleman: When asked by apartment mate to turn off the loud music at 3am, fellow apartment mate responds: "Absolutely, kind sir. I sincerely apologize if I have caused gezel shayna and would be happy to make it up to you by making a donation to your favorite charity on your behalf."Inconsiderate Buchur: When asked by apartment mate to turn off loud music at 3am, fellow apartment mate responds: "Dude, their are like 4 girls dancing on my bed. C'mon man." Translation - "Dude, their are 4 drunk skanks on my bed that I want to shtupp and I think this loud unpleasant thumping music entices them to want to have biah with me. Let me be inconsiderate just until I get some action. Now get the eff out of my room and close the door on your way out."As we embark on a year that will surely be filled with much hatzlacha, bracha, and nachas for all of Klal Yisroel, it is important that we try to go through life as the considerate gentleman and not the inconsiderate Buchur. It is my hope and my prayer that we are all zoche to much mazal in the coming year and may we all be zoche to build a bais ne'eman bisyroel in the near future....AMEN!


  1. wow, Dungeon Dweller you have outdone yourself. this is such a well worder, eloquent and thorough post, I'm amazed. You might have found the wrong profession for yourself, writting angry rant letter for a magazine or website might suite you better. Keep up the good work.

  2. wow, pretty annoyed indeed. might an inebriated state mitigate one's "inconsiderate bastard" status to something less harsh, like "mildly rude" or something? and in an effort to minimize intra-house strife, would u consider skipping minyan every now and then and waking up later?

  3. Courteous Gentleman also wait for their housemates after shul on Saturday nights.

  4. Dungeon Dweller,
    Was I the inspiration to the well-mannered fictional character "Curious Gentleman?" I feel so honored! I'm glad I got such a heiliga shout out in your blog.

    It sounds though like it would suck to be the inspiration for "Inconsiderate Buchur." Whoever that is, I surely feel bad for him.
    He should just slit his wrists and be done with it,
    Chaim M.U. D-R-G

  5. O.R. is Chaim! Joey, you are his Rav! You should know better!

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  7. The ladies are quite angry over the name calling that occured..even though it was written in anger, and now that person has calmed down. Just thought you should know.

  8. Dungeon dweller
    as much as i like being reduced to a "drunk skank", i would think a 'Courteous gentleman" like yourself would not such derogatory inflammations against people you may have seen for 3 seconds on your empty new years.
    For most people that were there, (who don't live there)it was not known anyone was there other than the people we were with and so for the noise i do apologize although it was unconsciously done. With that said, I believe it is of the utmost importance to give a person the benefit of the doubt, which YOU , Dungeon dweller, who seems to think he lives up to the ideals of the the so called 'courteous gentleman', did not.

    As per your remark about your anus smelling apartment, it would of the greatest kindness to not blame previous issues on the first scapegoat. The problem of an anus smelling apartment is easily fixable with the help of foreign objects such as a mop and mr. clean, which , if asked politely may be given to you as an engagement present.
    While you continue to ponder about such things as peru uravu, most likely in the comfort of your bathroom, i would greatly appreciate you not being reduced to a flimsy slut.

  9. the word 'use' should be the second to last word on the first line.

  10. So I would like to clarify something here (though I am speaking for Dungeon Dweller without his consent) but I believe that words drunk skanks, though used in anger and though upon further inspection were directed at many of you, it really came into play because of the actions of one (V'zeh Nireh Li)

  11. who exactly was the skank remark directed at then specifically?? and in my own defense i was asked to be quite and I actually did apologize profusely and maybe the other dungeon dweller did not hear it due to his anger...and with that i apologize again for the loudness

  12. I do not want to mention any names on the blog for reasons that should be clear and understandable to all.

  13. Speaking as someone who has no involvement in the case, I can't possibly see why Dungeon Dweller would refer to someone who goes by "Jizz In a Box" as a skank. That just seems totally off base. Look, I don't know who you are and therefore couldn't know if you are indeed a skank or not, but if you are going to post about how offended you are that somebody referred to you as a skank, have enough sense to use a more innocuous name. It's like when OJ wrote a book and called it "If I Did It". Come on...

    P.S. Was your reference to his "empty" new year due to the fact that he didn't have one of the aforementioned filled boxes?

  14. The name she uses as her id has absolutely no reflections on her feelings.. noone should be called a skank in any situation, skanklike or not, even nothing of the sort was actually going on. Is your name a complete reflection on who you are? I sincerely hope not! It's a joke, funny because it actually ahs nothing to do with her or how she acts... but u were right in the first place.. you have no idea so i suggest next time when you have no clue on the subject you shut up instead of judging people you do not know at all, kinda like dungeon dweller did that night.

  15. My name reflects two of my favorite videos on youtube and the times i watched them with my friends who asked me to be apart of thier blog less than a week ago. NOT a reflection of who i am or what i do. Most of these names are personal jokes and are only understood by people who are important to me and matter. I dont really get how you have any right to comment or put someone down you dont know and was just trying to right a wrong. Im a religious person who is nothing like the person that was reflected on that blog and was hurt by it. Im not sorry for responding the way i did ... any person who felt the way i did would have done so. Why is it fair to make me feel bad for defending myself when the person that wrote the blog did not even once apologize to people he hurt by doing so. Clearly this blog is viewed by people other than our immediate friends and its not fair for me to feel like im being represented in a way thats not a reflection of me at all and to be ridiculed for defending myself! Again, you were not there so post on something you actually have authority to , otherwise stop causing unnecessary drama.

    If u have an issue with me or how i decide to right things , email me, there's nothing i like more than to prove myself to unimportant individuals who have no time on their hands but to comment on others peoples lives.

  16. ps nice name yourself, have u seriously been blogging since 1992? wow, u must really have no friends besides for your cyber ones ... That explains your strong opposition to my name...
    Dont be offended , it wasn't a direct diss to you or you cyber activities, you don't need to take offense.
    If you want , as a peace offering , i would love to buy u a reusable garbage unit... just so u never run out of space

  17. Just to clarify something I thought was already clear...I didn't call you a skank. I made that quite clear by saying I don't know you and therefore can't know if you are a skank. I just thought it was comical that your user name was so sexually explicit while you were vehemently stating that you aren't a skank. If you say you're not a skank, I believe you. Why wouldn't I? I just got a kick out of your post. Before you start talking about how I'm trying to cause drama, actually read what I wrote and maybe then you'd understand that it was merely an observation about your post and it's relation to your name, not an attack on you.

  18. Also, I think Al Gore invented the internet around 1993, so blogging since 1992 would be impossible.

  19. o i forgot , u would know, you've been blogging since day one...
    explains alot

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  22. how do u know i was dancing on a bed if u dont know who i am...

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  24. because of u look back at the post it referenced everyone in the apartment...

  25. "Inviting the entire girls soccer team over to smooch, shtup, grind and get jiggy with until after 3am, while getting totally wasted and smoking hooka"

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  27. I would like to say that this conversation is just getting ridiculous. Lets just face it, all this arguing is coming from tension between the house and the team and I think that we should all just get it on.

  28. I am only getting involved in the massive get on if I get paid. Because I am a whore apparently. Who knew? All these years I thought I was an Escort. Oh well.

  29. Count me out. From experience, getting it on to solve controversies does not work. Therefore, I will not be a part of any truce involving sexual activity. Just my opinion. Even if money is involved.

  30. Everyone has their price werd. Everyone. Mine just may be lower.

  31. i just want to end this post wars because its immature and stupid. i just want to say that the person who was attached at the face is my friend. Whether or not she was drunk or not is not my business. i care about her and she is just a kid and shouldn't be made to feel that shes a gross person. I'm sure you and your friends have done things to warrant ridicule but im sure it wasnt made public like this. i know i was none of the thing u and other people accused me of being but if u accuse my friends than im guilty too. I was a drunk girl on a bed kissing a guy on the hall while listening to blasting music at your expense.
    Now that u have heard me call myself as an inconsiderate slut i hope u can sleep well knowing that many people were hurt by this.
    I find it ironic that everyone was so quick to judge girls on new years for being inconsiderate people yet it was you guys who decided to post a blog and have people publicly humiliated. I find that to be just as bad , because if u want to be all righteous and religious, to embarrass someone is like murdering them. I can say i am definably embarrassed by this and i can say other people were also.
    again, on behalf of all the drunks skanks, i would like to apologize for waking u up. it wasnt intentional and hope u caught up on the sleep that we took away.
    Happy New Year

  32. since my previous name caused such a stir coming from a girl, i hope you all find this one to be kosher enough.

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  34. Speaking yet again as someone who wasn't there, I just wanted to point out that I have no idea who anybody at that party was, and I'm pretty sure everyone else reading wouldn't be able to figure out who you are either...unless your real name is Jizz in a Box, which would be quite unfortunate for you. Either way, please don't feel embarrassed, you remain quite anonymous.

  35. Also, as an avid reader of this wonderful blog, I have found that the tone has always been light and jocular. Not once have I ever found any of the comments on the blog to be offensive, because even if they could somehow be construed as such, they remain completely anonymous. Blogs are a place on anonymity, so if you feel slighted, fire back, as long as it's in good fun. There is no need to get offended. Just get even. To me, it seems like nobody is trying to be slanderous.

  36. im just saying if ur already being called a slut.. skank.. w/e just live up to it have fun

  37. now just so I'm clear on things here, Eden Wok is Jizz in a Box? (I always thought there food tasted weird somehow...)

  38. Thanks Eden Wok, I try.
    Well, I'm out.
    Good talk everyone.
